Gilded Coach Teas

30 ct Assorted Teabags

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$29.30 $34.69

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6 ct - Gilded LilySpiced Cake Decorated with Lemon Icing & Sugared Almonds Cream Irish Breakfast Blend

This delightfully creamy Irish breakfast tea is inspired by the fairytale “Yellow Lily” and tastes like a delicious spiced Beltane cake with bright lemony icing, and sugared almonds. This tea also features yellow lily petals, like the story's namesake, and vibrant gold pixie dust! {Steep for 3-7 minutes in 195℉ / 91℃ water} 

Ingredients: Black Tea, Lemon, Currants, Lemongrass, Tangerine, Moringa leaves, Blackberry Leaves, Apple Pieces, Hibiscus Petals, Rosehip Pieces, Almond Pieces, Safflower Petals, Organic Natural Flavors, Yellow Lily Petals, Gold Pixie Dust {mica-based edible glitter}

6 ct - Lady of the MoonLychee Preserves with Ginger Poached Pear Green Tea Blend

Inspired by the Chinese fairytale of the same name, Lady of the Moon is a delightful green tea boasting flavors of pear, lychee, and jasmine. This fruity elixir even contains silver pixie dust to emulate the Moon goddess's palace or “The Spreading Halls of the Crystal Cold”. This delicious tea tastes as though it was plucked right out of the jade rabbits' garden and enchants the everyday teacup. {Steep for 2- 4 minutes in 175 – 185˚F / 79 – 85˚C water}

Ingredients: Green Tea, Jasmine Petals, Pear, Thai Ginger, Natural Flavors, Gold Pixie dust {mica-based edible glitter}

6 ct - Enchanted SlumberLemon & Raspberry Rose Jam Herbal Tea Blend

This clinquant herbal blend has tasting notes of lemon and raspberry jam and wild Egyptian rose. {Steep 5-10 minutes at 212˚F/100˚C}

Ingredients: apple, hibiscus petals, rosehip pieces, lemon peel, strawberry leaves, chamomile, cornflower petals, raspberry pieces, wild Egyptian rosebuds, Gold pixie dust {mica-based edible glitter}


6 ct - Happily Ever AfterSakura Blossom White Tea with Strawberries

Delicate Sakura (cherry) blossom and rose-scented white tea, wild strawberry, pink cornflowers, and magical pixie dust all tie the knot in this magical, fairytale wedding-inspired blend. {Steep for 3 - 7 minutes at 170 – 185˚F / 76 – 85˚C}

Ingredients: China white tea, natural flavors, wild strawberry pieces, pink cornflower petals, Gold Pixie Dust {mica-based edible glitter}

6 ct - Once Upon a Time: Hazelnu{mica-based edible glitter}t & Vanilla Creme Flavored Black Tea

This enchanted tea is dusted with gold pixie dust and features traditional Ceylon black tea, sweet Turkish hazelnut, and rich vanilla cream. {Steep for 3-7 minutes at 195℉ / 91℃}

Ingredients: Ceylon black tea, flower petals {calendula, sunflower, mallow, jasmine}, organic natural flavors. gold pixie dust


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